桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業後、カリフォルニア芸術大学(CalArts)音楽学部大学院修士課程を経て、2008年カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)音楽学部現代音楽演奏学科博士課程を修了。博士論文は「A preliminary manual of phonetics in flute playing」(無声音を伴うフルート演奏の手引き)。これまでにパリ(IRCAM Agora Festival)、ロサンゼルス(Walt Disney Concert Hall)、ロンドン(KLINKER)、ベルリン(BKA)、シンガポール(Singapore University)等、アメリカ・ヨーロッパ・アジア各地で演奏。 故James Tenney、Marco Stroppa、Roger Reynoldsなどの著名な作曲家のフルートソロ作品の初演を手がける傍ら、新鋭作曲家の作品紹介にも努め、録音がフランス、ドイツ、アイルランド国内の音楽祭や音楽教育機関で紹介される。
フルートを小泉浩、 Harvey Sollberger 、John Fonville、 Rachel Rudich、野口龍、有田正広、遠藤剛史の各氏に師事。2006年、第7回「競楽」現代音楽演奏コンクール優勝、第16回朝日現代音楽賞受賞。東京在住。
Reiko Manabe (flute)

Born in Tokyo, Reiko Manabe is a flute player who has devoted herself to contemporary music. In 2006 she won the First Prize at the "Kyogaku VII" (The 7th Contemporary Music Performance Competition founded by Japan Society for Contemporary Music) as the first flute solo winner in their history. In the following year, 2007 she received the 16th Asahi Contemporary Music Award.
As a performer and an improvisor, Dr. Manabe has appeared in the United States, France, England, Germany, Singapore, South Korea and Japan. While having closely worked with established composers such as Roger Reynolds, Marco Stroppa and Tomoko Fukui, she collaborates with composers of next generations including Nicholas Deyoe, Philip Neukom, Eric Wubbles Peter Edwards among others.
After graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music, Tokyo, Reiko Manabe studied intensively with Hiroshi Koizumi a pioneer of Japanese contemporary flute music literature. To continue further study in contemporary music she went to the United States in 2000. She holds a MFA degree from California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). In 2008 She completed a DMA of Contemporary Music Performance degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and moved back to Tokyo. As a student she has studied with contemporary music masters such as John Fonville, Harvey Sollberger, Rachel Rudich and Ryu Noguch as well as with classical and baroque music specialists including Masahiro Arita and Takashi Endoh.
Gidon Kremer said "There are no needs to change, everything is accurate in her playing…" in his masterclass where she played Joji Yuasa's "Domain" for flute solo.