mmm... presents :
ヒバリ / hibari

mmm…(エムエムエム・スリードッツ) 代表 間部令子
hibari is an aid project for north-eastern Japan, with 100 composers and mmm…
Since the earthquake in March 2011, I have received emails from composers all over the world with their warm thoughts and kind offers to help give hope to Japan. That started me thinking, what can mmm… do?
Everyday life is different now from what it used to be. After the quake, everyone has had to bravely steel themselves to survive in this changed world. Musicians are no exception. Named after Hibari Misora, who cheered Japan up after WWII, and literally meaning 'lark' (the songbird), we hope that hibari can give courage to people and help them spiritually as well as financially.
Though it is a charity project, we truly enjoy discovering new music and meeting new people. I hope that, with so many composers from around the world coming together to help Japan, hibari will become a new cultural bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.
The donations made through this project will go to help children who were orphaned by the disaster, as well as elderly and disabled people who were affected by the earthquake, through the Asahi Shinbun newspaper's Social Welfare Organization.
To see what hibari’s all about, please click here or on the banner at the top of this page.
Reiko Manabe, co-founder of mmm…