Ray Evanoff レイ・エバノフ
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CF4 : Interpolations Hewn From a Choice Machine (2011) for flute, violin, piano trio

Ray Evanoff (b. 1984) is an American composer and improviser whose work focuses on the development of a uniquely personal aesthetic and eschews the extant value systems of tradition, fashion, and common sense. This often includes a focus on extremes of touch, scale, and functional divergency. His activity as a composer includes collaborations with and performances by ensembles and soloists such as the ELISION Ensemble, Ensemble SurPlus, Johnny Chang, Seth Josel, Ryan Muncy, and Xenia Pestova, among others, in concerts across Europe and North America. As an improviser, he has performed throughout the UK and the US, and released several recordings with groups which emphasize the cultivation of long-standing musical relationships. He received his B.A. in Music Theory & Composition from the College of Charleston in 2006 (Summa Cum Laude) and his MMus in Composition with Distinction from the University of Huddersfield in 2009. He is currently researching concepts of musical identity under the supervision of Aaron Cassidy as part of his PhD studies at the University of Huddersfield.